Thursday, March 5, 2020

5 Nutrient-Rich Foods To Incorporate Into Your Diet

5 Nutrient-Rich Foods To Incorporate Into Your Diet Via Pixabay 1. Oatmeal/ Oats Oats are an excellent source of fiber and antioxidants. Benefits include healthier skin and healthier a healthier gut. This is an excellent meal to start the day because oats are quick and easy to make, as well as a good staple food that can be paired with berries, nuts, bananas, and even coconut shavings. Oats are also slow releasing carbs, which means they will digest slowly and thus keep one feeling full for longer. A single serving of oats in the mornings will make one feel alert so they can pay attention to what’s going on in their morning classes. Via Pixabay 2. Kale Kale has a come a long way since its initial use as a decor item. In fact, it is now one of the most popular healthy foods to appear on Instagram and other food-related blogs. Calcium and vitamin c are just two a many of the benefits of kale. These two nutrients are key for healthy a stronger immune system and bone formation, respectively. Kale is a good superfood that can easily be incorporated into a college student’s diet because it is affordable, easy to find at a local supermarket, and very versatile. It can be consumed in a smoothie, a salad, a soup, or even sauteed to compliment a dish, which is another huge plus for students who would enjoy more variety in their diet. Via Pexels 3. Chicken Breast Chicken breast is protein dense and low in sodium, which means that it is filling as well an excellent way to meet the necessary daily protein requirement. According to an article by Neil Osterweil on (The Benefits of Protein), “Protein is an important component of every cell in the body. Hair and nails are mostly made of protein. Your body uses protein to build and repair tissues. You also use protein to make enzymes, hormones, and other body chemicals. Protein is an important building block of bones, muscles, cartilage, skin, and blood.” Since protein doesn’t get stored in the body, it important to make sure that one is getting the right amount of protein for hormone stability and body chemicals. Chicken breast is a lean meat that can be sautéed, grilled, or baked and still provide a substantial amount of protein. It is an especially good food for college athletes because it aids in muscle maintenance. Via Pexels 4. Greek Yogurt The gut is lined with healthy bacteria that breaks down food in order to harvest the nutrients of the food that passes through the stomach. This is especially important to look out for because it affects one’s digestive health, mood, and anxiety. Greek yogurt, particularly the one without any extraneous processed additives, is an excellent source of probiotics. It is easily paired with some nuts, fruits, granola, and many other toppings. This can be easily stored in a fridge and taken on the go, making it an optimal snack for college students in a rush. Via Pixabay 5. Sweet Potatoes Contrary to the golden potato, which is commonly found in supermarkets, the sweet potato is softer. It is an excellent food for combating bodily stress and promoting relaxation due to its high amounts of magnesium. It is no secret that college students face large amounts of stress during the school semester, which takes a high toll on the body. Magnesium found in sweet potatoes potentially leads to a more alert and can improve daily brain function. Sweet potatoes can be boiled, fried, baked, or mashed as well as be accompanied by dried fruits such as raisins for an additional nutritional boost. A nutrient-rich diet is especially crucial for college students, who are constantly exposed to stress related to academic work and school involvement. These foods are just a few among dozens of other possible nutrient-rich foods that keep students on their A-Game.

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